Overview: There is wide agreement that ethical considerations are a valuable aspect of a data science curriculum, and to that end, many data science programs offer courses in data science ethics. There are not always, however, explicit connections between data science ethics and the centuries-old work on ethics within the discipline of philosophy. Here, we present a framework for bringing together key data science practices with ethical topics. The ethical topics were collated from sixteen data science ethics courses with public-facing syllabi and reading lists. We encourage individuals who are teaching data science ethics to engage with the philosophical literature and its connection to current data science practices, which is rife with potentially morally charged decision points.
- Colando, S., & Hardin, J. (2024). Philosophy within Data Science Ethics Courses. Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education, 32(4), 361–373. https://doi.org/10.1080/26939169.2024.2394542
Funded by Pomona College’s Evelyn B. Craddock McVicar Memorial Fund (Summer 2023) and the Kenneth Cooke Summer Research Fellowship (Summer 2024).