TidyTuesday Creations
a collection of data visualizations and models
TidyTuesday is a weekly community activity put on the the Data Science Learning Community. I try to spend a little time each week creating a data visualization or model with the data posted to the official TidyTuesday GitHub Repository (linked below).
My TidyTuesday Creations
My Source Code
Official TidyTuesday Repo
Highlighted Creations
Here are some of my favorite data visualizations that I have made from TidyTuesday over the past two years. Each title has a link to my code for creating the visualization.
05/07/2024: Demographics of the Rolling Stone’s Top 500 Albums of All Time in 2003 vs. 2012 vs. 2020
03/05/2024: The Mr. Trash Wheel Fleet’s Collected Garbage over the Years
11/28/2023: Dr. Who Distribution of Episode Rankings Based on the Episode Writer
10/24/2023: Difference between the Taylor’s Version and the Old Version of Songs from Fearless and Red
03/21/2023: Coding Language Creation over the Years
12/20/2022: Seattle Weather in 2021
07/05/2022: Changes in Median Rent Prices and Percent of Apartments by Neighborhood in San Francisco
Helpful Resources
If you are interested in participating in TidyTuesday yourself, here are some resources that I have found helpful for starting:
1. Finding Inspiration
When beginning TidyTuesdays, I find it super helpful to take inspiration from what others have done with the data either this week or in previous weeks. X (i.e., Twitter), Fossodon, and sometimes even Google searches are a great way of gaining inspiration from others!
Search “#tidytuesday” on BlueSky
Search “#tidytuesday” on Mastodon
2. Loading in the Data
Usually, I read the data into an .Rmd file using the code block that looks like the following:
dataset_1 <- readr::read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/master/data/2024/some_date/dataset_1.csv')
3. Analyzing and Visualizing the Data
After that, the world (or, in this case, data) is your oyster! I primarily use Tidyverse to create my TidyTuesday data visualizations and models, so I appreciate the following cheat sheets: