Readings and case studies on the applications of data science in the workplace (e.g., in hiring or promotion) and the ethical implications of using statistical models in such contexts.
Interactions with World
Interpreting Models as Knowledge
Title | Citation |
Freedom at Work: Understanding, Alienation, and the AI-Driven Workplace | Vredenburgh (2022) |
The Algorithmic Leviathan: Arbitrariness, Fairness, and Opportunity in Algorithmic Decision Making Systems | Creel & Hellman (2022) |
Algorithmic Domination in the Gig Economy | Muldoon & Raekstad (2022) |
Big Other: Surveillance Capitalism and the Prospects of an Information Civilization | Zuboff (2015) |
A Short-term Intervention for Long-term Fairness in the Labor Market | Hu & Chen (2018) |
Digital Innovation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution | Caruso (2017) |
Picking on the Same Person: Does Algorithmic Monoculture Lead to Outcome Homogenization? | Bommasani, Creel, Kumar, Jurafsky, & Liang (2024) |
Accessible Crowdwork?: Understanding the Value in and Challenge of Microtask Employment for People with Disabilities | Zyskowski, Morris, Bigham, Gray, & Kane (2015) |
Amazon Scraps Secret AI Recruiting Tool that Showed Bias Against Women | Dastin (2018) |
Bommasani, R., Creel, K. A., Kumar, A., Jurafsky, D., & Liang, P. (2024). Picking on the same person: Does algorithmic monoculture lead to outcome homogenization? Red Hook, NY, USA: Curran Associates Inc.
Caruso, L. (2017). Digital innovation and the fourth industrial revolution: Epochal social changes? AI & SOCIETY, 33(3), 379–392.
Creel, K., & Hellman, D. (2022). The algorithmic leviathan: Arbitrariness, fairness, and opportunity in algorithmic decision-making systems. Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 52(1), 26–43.
Dastin, J. (2018). Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool that showed bias against women.; Reuters.
Hu, L., & Chen, Y. (2018). A short-term intervention for long-term fairness in the labor market. Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference on World Wide Web - WWW ’18, 1389–1398. ACM Press.
Muldoon, J., & Raekstad, P. (2022). Algorithmic domination in the gig economy. European Journal of Political Theory, 22(4), 587–607.
Vredenburgh, K. (2022). Freedom at work: Understanding, alienation, and the AI-driven workplace. Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 52(1), 78–92.
Zuboff, S. (2015). Big other: Surveillance capitalism and the prospects of an information civilization. Journal of Information Technology, 30(1), 75–89.
Zyskowski, K., Morris, M. R., Bigham, J. P., Gray, M. L., & Kane, S. K. (2015). Accessible crowdwork? Understanding the value in and challenge of microtask employment for people with disabilities. Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing, 1682–1693. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery.